Graduation in the high school program is based upon the successful accumulation of credits. These include both required and elective credits. From time to time, the British Columbia Ministry of Education reviews and revises the determination of required and elective credits. Please contact the school for the most current information about academic credits leading to graduation.
Enrollments as of September 2004
In September 2004, Grade 10 became part of the permanent record for all students graduating in the BC High School system. The Ministry of Education introduced the Graduation Program and the concept of the Graduation Portfolio.
The requirements for successful completion of Grades 10, 11 & 12 are calculated as a grouping of 80 credits. Of the total 80 credits, 52 credits must be earned from among a selection of required courses, and 28 credits must be earned from among a selection of elective courses.
The 52 required credits are chosen from among the following:
English 10 (4 credits),
English 11 or Communications 11 (4 credits),
English 12 or Communications 12 (4 credits),
Social Studies 10 (4 credits),
Social Studies 11, Canadian Civics 11 or BC First Nations Studies 12
(4 credits)
Science 10 (4 credits),
Science 11 or 12 (4 credits) one from a number of course options,
Pre-caculus 10 (4 credits) one from a number of course options,
Pro-caculus 11 or 12 (4 credits),
Physical Education 10 (4 credits),
Fine Arts and/or Applied skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits) one from a number
of course options, and
Planning 10 (4 credits).
In order to graduate, students must also earn 4 Graduation Portfolio Assessment credits, and
successfully complete a minimum of 28 elective credits. A minimum of 16 elective course credits are required at the Grade 12 level.
Five Graduation Program exams in Grades 10 – 12 are required for graduation. In the 2004 Graduation Program, all students are required to write the following five exams:
Grade 10 English,
Grade 10 Science,
Grade 10 Pre-calculus,
one of Social Studies 11, Canadian Civics 11 or BC First Nations 12 , and
Grade 12 English or Communications.
All universities in BC, and some universities in Canada and the United States, require the student to show evidence of second language studies. This can be achieved through a challenge exam.