There are 12 active clubs in the school. That’s about one club per 18 people! And if there isn’t a club you like now, then it is up to you to take initiative and make it happen. This is what Fiona Fu and her friends did. They love to dance and started our newest club, the Dance Club. Sounds fun! Here’s what some of the other clubs are up to:
Pronunciation Club: Mondays after school in room 114
Give Where You Live: Mondays and/or Fridays after school in the cafeteria
Math Power: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at lunch in room 118
Soccer Club: Tuesdays after school at David Lam Park
Recycling Initiative: Wednesdays after school in room 118
Movie Club: Wednesdays after school in room 112
Science Club: Wednesdays at lunch in room 118
Dance Club: Wednesdays at 3 in room 113
Student Council: Thursdays after school in room 110, 112 or 114
Studio: After school in room 111
Chess Club: Thursdays at 4 in room 113
Basketball: Season is finished
Pronunciation Club with Mr. Williams
Have you ever had trouble making yourself understood?
Join a club where you get to learn to be understood by making funny faces and sounds! Speaking English is a difficult task that can be made easier with a few simple tricks. The first secret to speaking English is that you need to open you mouth and breathe! This sounds very simple, but when speaking many other languages, you need to make sounds by holding the air within the throat, nose, or mouth. In the hopes of getting your tongues around some tricky English sounds, we will do some crazy activities like making play dough mouths, which has been a hit with every student who has ever tried it! You can make blue tongues, green teeth, and yellow gums. The idea is to create these masterpieces so you can easily visualize what is going on inside of your mouth when speaking.