Angelique Christophorou (Angel Christo) is a Greek-Cypriot Australian and Canadian citizen.
She is a Jill of all trades: Qualified English | English ELL | Media | Film, TV & New Media | Drama & Greek Teacher | Published Author | Professional Filmmaker.
Christo has a: Bachelor of Film and Screen Media Production | Post Graduate Certificate in Screen Drama; Directing and Screenwriting | Post Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education| Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as Second or Other Language | Certificate 4 Training and Assessment | Certificate III in Technical Production | Studied Applied Theatre & Psychology.
“My purpose and pedagogical approach is to educate and engage. My goal is to motivate and inspire and instill the same passion for learning that I have into my students. With this in mind, I have continued to develop my teaching philosophy. I aim to assist my students in discovering their talent, full potential, and own career pathway.
I achieve this through assisting them in setting themselves learning goals and steps to take to reach their major goals and objectives. Encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning and to become engineers of their own education by implementing inquiry-based learning practices.”